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As the recovery process begins after the April 15th fire the consumed the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, we reflect on the event, we learn how to make stained glass from a 12th-century artisan, and we hear about the architectural glories of the cathedral as described by Elizabeth Boyle O’Reilly shortly after the First World War.
Today’s Texts:
- Theophilus. De Diversis Artibus / An Essay Upon Various Arts. Translated by Robert Hendrie, John Murray, 1847. Google Books.
- O’Reilly, Elizabeth Boyle. How France Built Her Cathedrals: A Study in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Harper and Brothers, 1921. Google Books.
- Adams, Douglas and Mark Carwardine. Last Chance to See. Ballantine, 1990.
Audio Credit: Adams, Douglas and Mark Carwardine. Last Chance to See CD-ROM. The Voyager Company, 1992.
Dies Irae clip by Membreth (Wikimedia Commons).
Image: Glassmaking, detail from British Library MS Sloane 4016, f. 101v.
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