A Podcast Exploring the Wit and Weirdness of Medieval Texts

Category: News

Medieval Death Trip’s Christmas Playlist

Image of two hurdy-gurdy players from

If you’re looking to get in a medievalish Christmas mood, check out the “MDT Christmas” playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5EmlXCdeLV3HPmspb0I9AX?si=306a5306cd9e401e

The playlist features both authentic medieval tunes as well as pieces that feel medieval in spirit.

Note: I have actually curated and organized the playlist as a sequence, which helps avoid repeats. Shuffle it at your own risk (of hearing “Coventry Carol” five times in a row).

Image: detail of two hurdy-gurdy players from El Escorial Ms. T.j.I, f.160.

Feed Update Announcement

Listeners! This weekend (Feb. 9-10) I’ll be updating many of the descriptions and tags on old episodes in our podcast RSS feed. There is a possibility that some podcast manager apps (especially iTunes) will interpret these changes as a whole lot of new episodes being posted and may try to download them all.

As a precaution to save bandwidth, you might go to your settings for this podcast in your podcast listening app and set it to download only the most recent episodes so that you don’t end up getting duplicates of the whole back catalogue.

Support us on Patreon and get the Wonders of the East!

You can now help support Medieval Death Trip through becoming a patron of us on Patreon. For as little as $1 (U.S.) a month, you’ll not only be helping to make the show possible, but you’ll also get an audiobook copy of the Mirabilia Descripta, or Wonders of the East by Jordanus, the 14th-century bishop of Columbum in India (and translated by Col. Henry Yule, whose extensive footnotes provide a whole second historical text providing a 19th-century British perspective on India).

To learn more, visit http://www.patreon.com/mdtpodcast/

Episode 9 coming soon!

Getty MS 14 fol. 8vEpisode 9 of Medieval Death Trip is currently still baking — it’s still a bit gooey in the middle, but it will be out of the oven and on your podcast player very soon!


Image: J. Paul Getty Library MS 14, fol. 8v.

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